What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea | Yorba Linda Dentist

We all love getting some sleep, especially after a long day. The fantastic feeling you have after a good night’s sleep is comparable to little else. But what if you don’t sleep well? Sadly, sleep disorders are a common occurrence. In fact, one in five people have obstructive sleep apnea, but they don’t know it as 85 percent of these sufferers have yet to be diagnosed.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA, is a sleeping disorder that is caused by the constriction of throat muscles while you sleep, causing the inability to breathe. Once the brain realizes there is no breathing, it jolts the body awake to restart it. Breathing is restored, but sleep has been interrupted.

Because you’re asleep at the time, many don’t even realize they have an issue. But if you feel any of the following symptoms, it’s time to get checked out:

  • Loud snoring
  • Sleepiness or fatigue during the day
  • High blood pressure
  • Choking or gasping during sleep witnessed by others
  • Headaches, sore throat, dry mouth when you wake
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Poor concentration, reaction time, and/or memory
  • Poor decision-making
  • Loss of motivation, moodiness, loss of sex drive and work efficiency

So, if you find that you are having difficulty sleeping, or keeping your energy up during the day, you may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Make an appointment to get a sleep study done. If they find that it is OSA, there are ways to help you get a good night’s sleep.

For more information about Obstructive Sleep Apnea, call Dr. Andrey Eng in Yorba Linda, CA at 714-779-2736 or visit www.andreyengdds.com.

Dr. Eng proudly serve patients from Yorba Linda and all surrounding areas.

Don’t Be Scared of Dental Appointments | Yorba Linda Dentist

If we want to maintain a healthy smile, we have some responsibilities. We need to brush, floss and rinse on a daily basis. But in addition, we need the watchful eye of our dental professional. This is why it is important to visit at least twice a year for a quick examination. But what if you have an actual fear of these visits? How do you not only sit through one visit a year, but two? Don’t worry – you aren’t alone. Of all the health professionals feared most by adults, the dentist is at the top of the list. So much so, Dental Anxiety (DA) is the official diagnosis.

Thankfully, the dental industry has been listening and have been busy making huge strides in order to calm those fears – sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry your dentist’s way to relax you enough to handle the dental procedure via medication. There are various levels that you can be sedated, from minimal sedation to the completely unconscious general anesthesia. What you receive will depend on your fear and the recommendation made by your dentist. A numbing agent will be administered to the area as well to alleviate any pain you may have from the procedure.

Nitrous oxide. If you aren’t in need of a lot to relax you, you will be given nitrous oxide, or laughing gas through a mask.

Oral sedative. Similar to a valium, a pill will be taken about an hour before your procedure so it has time to take effect, but you will be awake during the procedure.

General anesthesia. For the more invasive procedures, a deeper sedation will be administered prior but will render you unconscious and unable to awaken easily, unlike the other lighter versions.

For more information about sedation dentistry, call Dr. Andrey Eng in Yorba Linda, CA at 714-779-2736 or visit www.andreyengdds.com.

Dr. Eng proudly serve patients from Yorba Linda and all surrounding areas.