Our Dental Team
The talented staff at East Lake Advancing Dentistry have a passion for dentistry and quality care. All of our staff are committed to continuous continuing education and enjoy learning new dental techniques to assist our patients. From the friendly voice you hear when you call to make your appointment with Dr. Eng, to the smile your dental assistant or dental hygienist greets you with,you will walk away with an exceptional dental experience!
Call our office today at (714) 779-2736 or send us a message by clicking the schedule an appointment button in the upper right corner to make your appointment with Dr. Andrey Eng today!

Rosy - Front Office Manager
Rosy first joined our office as a chairside dental assistant and she was quick, knowledgeable and exceptional. When my front office manager decided to retire after 32 years with me, my first thought was Rosy. Rosy resisted but I knew she had the mindset to tackle a new role. After continuous encouragement, she agreed. Now, Rosy has excelled beyond all expectations! Exceptional mind and very detailed about everything she does.
She is a bit quiet but will take care of all your needs in a friendly caring manner.

Autumn, Registered Dental Assistant
Autumn joined our practice after taking 18 years off to raise her 2 boys. When Autumn first joined us she was introduced to a new level of dentistry that wasn’t around 18 years ago. Within a short time, she picked up all the skills and learned all the advanced techniques we utilize in our biomimetic approach to conservative dentistry. As Autumn spent more time working, it was realized she has some undiscovered talent and skills. Not only has Autumn developed into an exceptional patient care provider but has tremendous skills in front office skills. Autumn can handle any role in the office. Both Autumn and Rosy work as a great team to provide the needs of our wonderful patients.
When you meet Autumn, there is not a nicer, kinder person whose personality conveys she truly cares about you and your comfort.

Jamie, RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
Jamie is in her sixth year with our office. When you meet Jamie, you want to say “Aloha”. She greets everyone with joy, easy to talk with and makes you feel important. Jamie is exceptional and she is sharp and always one step ahead of everyone. Very quickly we realize her work ethics shows as she became the go to person in showing us how to take perfect x-rays. She’s not afraid of anything and has grasped all the high-level training in Perioscopy, sleep apnea, ozone therapy and pinhole gum rejuvenation with ease.
Jamie was born and raised in Orange County, California. She attended West Coast University Dental School and obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene in 2017.

Thuy, RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
Thuy worked for me 7 years ago. She went on to having two of the most adorable girls in the world. Thuy rejoined our office and we were overjoyed to have her back. Thuy is a gentle person with great clinical skills. Since rejoining us, she has taken the time to learn our advanced skills of offering perioscopy to treat periodontal disease. Thuy is sharp and very brite. She picked the skills up so quickly like she had been doing this her whole career.
When you see Thuy you will notice right away, a friendly greeting and a permanent smile that doesn’t go away😁

Melissa, Registered Dental Assistant
Melissa joined our office in February. Amazingly in a short couple of months, she has integrated into a key member in our group. Melissa has tremendous talent and skills and has quickly acclimated to our biomimetic treatment protocol. Our team is filled with "right-handed indispensible individuals" who are key to our delivery of dental care. Melissa is not. She is our "left-handed" indispensible member but equally key😂. When you meet Melissa, she will greet you with a calm,caring smile and always look to give her best in treating our patients.